I love this site =)
You know what are moleskines? They're those expensive notebooks you see at page one that never seem to be worth its price. Now you remember. Anyway, this site features different artpieces people've done on their moleskines, click on it, its awesome.
For the moment I think I'll make do with my blank azone notebook, haha.
Think I'll practice inking during the holidays, do a few more pencil sketches and of course that UOB competition we're supposed to enter (that's bye to the first week of our holidays). & practise debussy/grieg/moonlight mvt.3 yes!
Oh, and I've GOT to go to haji lane!

While the procrastinator tries to settle down to cram in some geog info before she sleeps two hours later, enjoy =D
http://www.frankie.com.au (fab!)
http://renefijten.blogspot.com/ (I SO admire this person! watercolour & ink = :D)
these sites reminds me of the fear, AGAIN, I think its the colours..
I need inspiration.
Tori Amos - Silent All These Years
Tori Amos - Silent all these years
One of my favourite songs of all time. (Ah, I've got quite a few of those) Love the lyrics. Oh, that's a rather old video if you haven't noticed :D
So you found a girl
Who thinks really deep thougts
What's so amazing about really deep thoughts
Boy you best praya that I bleed real soon
How's that thought for you
My scream got lost in a paper cup
You think there's a heaven
Where some screams have gone
I got 25 bucks and a cracker
Do you think it's enough
To get us there
Cause what if I'm a mermaid
In these jeans of his
With her name still on it
Hey but I don't care
Cause sometimes
I said sometimes
I hear my voice
And it's been here
Silent All These...
Years go by
Will I still be waiting
For somebody else to understand
Years go by
If I'm stripped of my beauty
And the orange clouds
Raining in head
Years go by
Will I choke on my tears
Till finally there is nothing left
One more casualty
You know we're too easy Easy Easy
Random rave of the day: playing with your own stretchable plastic faces :D
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